
A validated value with a fallback that is supplied if provided conditions aren't passed

See the Wiki for more details and examples.


fzzyhmstrs since 0.5.4



the type being wrapped


ValidatedField the field being wrapped with conditions


Supplier<T> supplies fallback values if the condition fails


if the passed fallback is the same as the delegate


import me.fzzyhmstrs.fzzy_config.util.AllowableIdentifiers
import me.fzzyhmstrs.fzzy_config.util.EnumTranslatable
import me.fzzyhmstrs.fzzy_config.util.FcText.lit
import me.fzzyhmstrs.fzzy_config.util.ValidationResult
import me.fzzyhmstrs.fzzy_config.validation.collection.ValidatedList
import me.fzzyhmstrs.fzzy_config.validation.minecraft.ValidatedIdentifier
import me.fzzyhmstrs.fzzy_config.validation.minecraft.ValidatedRegistryType
import me.fzzyhmstrs.fzzy_config.validation.minecraft.ValidatedTagKey
import me.fzzyhmstrs.fzzy_config.validation.misc.*
import me.fzzyhmstrs.fzzy_config.validation.misc.ValidatedColor.Companion.validatedColor
import me.fzzyhmstrs.fzzy_config.validation.number.ValidatedInt
import net.minecraft.item.Items
import net.minecraft.item.SwordItem
import net.minecraft.registry.Registries
import net.minecraft.registry.tag.ItemTags
import net.minecraft.util.Identifier
import java.awt.Color
import java.util.function.Function

fun main() { 
   //any validation can be wrapped in conditions. All the conditions need to pass, otherwise a fallback will be returned instead of the stored value
// conditions should supply live values. Validated fields are a convenient mechanism to do that. A plain boolean won't update in-GUI until changes are applied.
val validatedBooleanGate = ValidatedBoolean()

//create a conditional validation with toCondition
val validatedConditionInt = ValidatedInt(5, 100, 0).toCondition(validatedBooleanGate, "Gate must be true".lit()) { 0 } 


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object Companion
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A condition supplier with an attached message. The message should explain what is needed to pass the condition successfully


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open override var translatableEntryKey: String


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open override fun accept(input: T)

updates the mapped value. NOTE: this method will push updates to an UpdateManager, if any. For in-game updating consider validateAndSet

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open override fun addListener(listener: Consumer<ValidatedField<T>>)

Attaches a listener to this field. This listener will be called any time the field is written to ("set"). accept, validateAndSet, setAndUpdate and so on will all call the listener.

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open fun andThen(p0: Consumer<in T>): Consumer<T>
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fun codec(): Codec<T>

Provides a Codec representing the value type of this validation, backed by the validators within as applicable

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open fun copyStoredValue(): T

Copies the stored value and returns it.

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open override fun copyValue(input: T): T

Copies the provided input as deeply as possible. For immutables like numbers and booleans, this will simply return the input

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open fun description(fallback: String? = null): MutableText

The translated Text description from the descriptionKey. Falls back to an empty string so no tooltip is rendered.

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open override fun descriptionKey(): String

translation key of this Translatable's description. the "description" in-game, the descriptions Enchantment Descriptions adds to enchantment tooltips are a good example.

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open override fun deserialize(toml: TomlElement, fieldName: String): ValidationResult<T>

deserializes the fields stored value from TomlElement. This should not set the fields stored value, or interact with the field at all except to get the stored value for error reporting. deserializeEntry handles that.

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open fun deserializedChanged(old: Any?, new: Any?): Boolean

Specialized equals method for determining if a newly deserialized value is effectively equal to its old counterpart.

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open override fun flags(): Byte
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open override fun get(): T

provide the stored value, gated behind the results of any provided conditions. If any condition fails, this will return false no matter the underlying value

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fun getDefault(): T

Provides this validations default value

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Retrieves the wrapped value without performing condition checks

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Whether this Translatable has a valid description

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open fun hasPrefix(): Boolean

Whether this Translatable has a valid prefix

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Whether this Translatable has a valid translation

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open override fun instanceEntry(): ValidatedField<T>

creates a deep copy of this ValidatedCondition

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open override fun isValidEntry(input: Any?): Boolean

Tests an arbitrary input to determine if it is a valid input to this Entry. Inputs are not (necessarily) Entry, the term is used here in the general sense

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open override fun listenToEntry(listener: Consumer<Entry<T, *>>)

Attaches a listener to this field. This listener will be called any time the field is written to ("set"). accept, validateAndSet, setAndUpdate and so on will all call the listener.

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fun <N> map(to: Function<T, out N>, from: Function<in N, T>): ValidatedField<N>

Maps this validation to a new convertible type. The default value will be applied from this delegates current storedValue

fun <N> map(defaultValue: N, to: Function<T, out N>, from: Function<in N, T>): ValidatedField<N>
fun <N> map(to: Function<T, out N>, from: Function<in N, T>, defaultValue: T): ValidatedField<N>

Maps this validation to a new convertible type.

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fun <B> pairWith(other: Entry<B, *>): ValidatedPair<T, B>

Pairs this validation with another validation into one ValidatedPair

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open fun prefix(fallback: String? = null): MutableText

The translated Text description from the descriptionKey. Falls back to an empty string so no tooltip is rendered.

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open override fun prefixKey(): String

translation key of this Translatable's inline prefix text. Unlike descriptions, which are usually displayed in-tooltips, prefixes are displayed inline in the config screen itself

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open fun prepare(scope: String, groups: LinkedList<String>, annotations: List<Annotation>, globalAnnotations: List<Annotation>)

Called in the prepare stage of screen building to perform any necessary pre-entry-creation tasks.

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open fun toCondition(condition: BooleanSupplier, fallback: Supplier<T>, failMessage: Text): ValidatedCondition<T>

Convert this field to a ValidatedCondition. The provided condition (and any others you append) must pass for the stored value to be provided, otherwise the fallback will be supplied.

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fun toList(vararg elements: T): ValidatedList<T>

Wraps the provided values into a ValidatedList with this field as validation

fun toList(collection: Collection<T>): ValidatedList<T>

Wraps the provided collection into a ValidatedList with this field as validation

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fun toSet(vararg elements: T): ValidatedSet<T>

Wraps the provided values into a ValidatedSet with this field as validation

fun toSet(collection: Collection<T>): ValidatedSet<T>

Wraps the provided collection into a ValidatedSet with this field as validation

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open override fun translationKey(): String

translation key of this Translatable. the "name" in-game

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open override fun trySet(input: Any?)

Attempts to set an arbitrary input into this Entry. Should fail soft if the input is incompatible

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open fun update(updateMessage: Text)
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open fun validateAndSet(input: T): ValidationResult<T>

A setter method for the storedValue that first validates the value being set and then stores the post-validation result.

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open fun validateAndSetFlagged(input: T, vararg flag: EntryFlag.Flag): ValidationResult<T>

A setter method for the storedValue that first validates the value being set and then stores the post-validation result.

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open fun widgetAndTooltipEntry(choicePredicate: ChoiceValidator<T> = ChoiceValidator.any()): ClickableWidget

Builds a new ClickableWidget and applies a tooltip to it. This shouldn't need to be overridden in most cases

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Adds a conditional check to this ValidatedCondition using the provided validated field as a supplier. Apply conditional checks on top of the stored value by calling get. Get the base value with getUnconditional.

open fun withCondition(condition: Supplier<Boolean>, failMessage: Text): ValidatedCondition<T>
open fun withCondition(failMessage: Text, condition: BooleanSupplier): ValidatedCondition<T>

Adds a conditional check to this ValidatedCondition. Apply conditional checks on top of the stored value by calling get. Get the base value with getUnconditional.

open fun withCondition(scope: String, failMessage: Text): ValidatedCondition<T>

Adds a conditional check to this ValidatedCondition using the provided scope against a boolean provider. Apply conditional checks on top of the stored value by calling get. Get the base value with getUnconditional. The provided scope must point to a valid boolean config scope otherwise the condition will never pass.

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fun withFailTitle(singleFailText: Text, pluralFailText: Text? = null): ValidatedCondition<T>

Defines a custom condition fail-state title to appear in the de-activated widget. By default, (in english) these are "Condition not met" and "Conditions not met". A more specific message may be appropriate for user guidance, such as "|setting| disabled"